It is hard to visit Italy without being fascinated by its historical and cultural wealth. Italy has given the world countless architectural gems, and one of these is undoubtedly the Basilica of Pompeii. This splendid building represents one of the most important symbols of the city and remains an essential point of reference for pilgrims and tourists from all over the world.

The History of the Basilica of Pompeii
The Basilica of Pompeii, also known as the Shrine of the Blessed Virgin of the Rosary of Pompeii, was born out of a story of faith and devotion. Its construction is closely linked to the figure of Bartolo Longo, a Neapolitan lawyer who converted to Catholicism. After his conversion, Longo moved to Pompeii, where he started intense work to help the poor.
In 1875, during one of his missions, Longo received a small canvas depicting the Virgin of the Rosary, with Saint Dominic of Guzman and Saint Catherine of Siena. According to legend, Longo heard a divine voice telling him to find a suitable place to place the image. It was at this moment that the idea of building a shrine in honor of the Virgin Mary was born.
The construction of the Basilica began in 1876, thanks to donations received from faithful all over the world. The Basilica was consecrated in 1891, and in 1901 it was elevated to the rank of a Pontifical Basilica. Since then, the Basilica of Pompeii has become one of the main Marian pilgrimage sites in Italy, attracting millions of visitors each year.

Visiting the Basilica of Pompeii
Visiting the Basilica of Pompeii is a unique spiritual and cultural experience. The shrine is open every day, from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm, and admission is free. It is advisable to reserve at least a couple of hours for the visit, in order to fully appreciate the beauty of the architecture and the numerous frescoes.
The Basilica is easily accessible by train, bus, or car. It is located only 25 km from Naples and 250 meters from the Pompeii train station. If you arrive by car, there is ample parking available nearby.
Inside, you can admire the central nave, the side chapels, the main altar, and the image of the Madonna of the Rosary, the same one that inspired the construction of the sanctuary. In addition, every day at 12:00 pm and 7:00 pm, you can attend the recitation of the Rosary and the Eucharistic Blessing.
Don’t miss the opportunity to visit the Basilica of Pompeii during your trip to Italy. This magnificent work of art, rich in history and spirituality, will undoubtedly leave you with an unforgettable memory.